Washington Heights and Harlem for George Floyd
Sunday, June 14, 2020, saw thousands of New Yorkers marching together, walking from Washington Heights to Harlem and El Barrio. People from all nationalities banded together to protest anti-Blackness and the recent murder of George Floyd, whose killing is part of the long history of Black people who have lost their lives at the hands of law enforcement in the United States. New Yorkers are very familiar with the long history of violence and anti-Blackness against Black people in the United States. Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Tony McDade, Tanisha Anderson, Michael Brown, Iyanna Dior, and Dontre Hamilton are among those killed by law enforcement throughout the nation. Sean Bell, Eric Garner, Amadou Diallo, Kalief Browder, Akai Gurley, and Kike García are New Yorkers whose deaths resulted from interactions with the New York Police Department.
Credit: Amaury Rodríguez
For access to the entire photo gallery, check out “Washington Heights and Harlem for George Floyd” at https://esendom.com/new-blog-3/2020/6/15/washington-heights-harlem-george-floyd-
Solidarity with George Floyd
Protestors walking in Washington Heights, Morningside Heights, and Harlem.
Drumming to be Heard.
Protesting for their rights and the rights of all people.

Further Reading:
“Protesta anti-racista reprimida por la policía dominicana.” ESENDOM, 11 Jun. 2020, https://esendom.com/new-blog-2/2020/6/11/protesta-anti-racista-reprimida-por-la-polica-dominicana?rq=racism
Rodríguez, Amaury and Nelson Santana. “Muertes Civiles in Dominican Republic—Interview with Amarilys Estrella.” ESENDOM, 9 Sep. 2020, https://esendom.com/interviews/2020/9/9/muertes-civiles-in-dominican-republicinterview-with-amarilys-estrella
“The Senseless Death of George Floyd.” ESENDOM, 30 May 2020, https://esendom.com/notis/george-floyd?rq=floyd
“Washington Heights and Harlem for George Floyd.” ESENDOM, 15 Jun. 2020, https://esendom.com/new-blog-3/2020/6/15/washington-heights-harlem-george-floyd-